Tag: disability

A Conversation with PhouthAlee Vongsamai

PhouthAlee Vongsamai is many things – she is a mother, a wife, an employee, a nonprofit business manager, a friend to many, a woman with disability and an advocate for others. She is also proof of what is possible if you have strong, supportive mothers, mentors and role models who […]

A Conversation with Mimi Phommachanh

Deafness is an invisible disability, which has can create a range of issues when navigating the world,  different issues to ones faced by those of us who have more obvious disabilities.  Often there are no visible signs that a person who is deaf has disability, no white cane, no wheelchair. […]

A conversation with Senglavy Phanongsith (Noy)

What is life like when you are a woman with disability living in Laos? Inspired stories about everyday women with disabilities leading everyday lives, give us an opportunity to meet women from all over the world, learn more about them and share a slice of everyday life from their unique […]

Life with a difference in Laos

Life with a difference in Laos In 2017, I was privileged to be part of an Australian volunteer’s project with three other Australian women. We were lucky enough to work with host disability organisations, the Laos Disabled Women’s Development Centre, and Laos Disabled People’s Association, in Vientiane, Laos.   Sharing […]

A Conversation with Fatine Oliveira

“Anyway, I am a woman, and this is enough.” Powerful words from our latest Inspired storyteller, Fatine Oliveira who has given us insight into her journey as a woman with disability. Inspired stories have the power to resonate with all women across the world, across many languages and cultures. As […]

A conversation with Reveca Torres

When you think of yoga, what images spring to mind? Lithe supple Swami’s doing headstands and downward dog? People forming the lotus position, stretching salutations to the sun, or literally bending over backwards? Yoga is not something I would have usually associated with disability but knowing Reveca Torres has changed […]