Tag: love

On the Platform with Carol Taylor

Banner image credit: Richard Smith I first realised that fashion and disability did not necessarily easily go together, when, as a fifteen year old girl with a spinal injury, and desperately longing to get out of the track suits and soft fabrics which were de rigueur in the rehabilitation hospital […]

Peter Sharp – Reminding humanity of our common connection

Perth man Peter Sharp of Liberators International has become an internet sensation with footage of his public acts of ‘social art’. He has sparked impromptu dance parties, train dance fests, free hug offers and public meditations as part of his quest to encourage people to embrace fear and experience the joy of connection. These acts are about much more than gaining Facebook likes – Pete hopes they are encouraging viewers to trust, to love, to remember their shared humanity.

Clara Harris – A journey of love, pain and autism

As the mother of a 16-year-old son with autism, Clara Harris has embarked on a mission to help others living with disabilities and depression by sharing her own often raw, painful and life-enriching experiences. In doing so she is capturing the hearts of those she meets with her warmth, love and honesty.