Silver Linings?

In light of what is happening in the world, I thought I would take a moment to check in with the Inspired community and add a personal perspective. I hope this finds every one staying safe, staying well and practicing social distancing but staying connected. Take care of yourselves.

With Covid 19 settling like a cloak around our shoulders, I’ve been adjusting to life working from home. I’m managing social isolation and navigating all sorts of communication mediums to connect with others.
I’m aware that I fall into a vulnerable persons category and for my own sanity choose not to dwell on it.
Ive been making some observations and realise how quickly we as humans adapt to our circumstances- how not touching others, staying distances apart and using zoom are now becoming second nature.
I watch and read about people with interest, and many are struggling with having limits imposed on the things they take for granted.
Some are outraged, some are overwhelmed, some resigned and there are those who are uncomfortable, sad or even affronted at not being able to move around freely, being told where and when they can go places, and how they are to behave through no choice of their own.
Many are just unable to comprehend how long they can live in this way…. and as I watch all this unfold, I can’t help but think – welcome to the life of many of us with disabilities. The restrictions faced due to Covid19 are akin to those that I personally, and others with disability are forced to navigate on a daily basis without Covid 19 present.
I’ve tried numerous times over the years to articulate to others, my friends, my family, interested acquaintances, and policy and decision makers how that feels. How having choices and access to places taken away from you through no fault of your own is frustrating, depressing, and infuriating to say the least.
Not able to fully comprehend what that is like, most people try to imagine, and fall short because the reality is that it is not their reality. Maybe now is the time for insight and deeper understanding.

Yet, like how we respond to this pandemic, we can choose the mindset we approach the unknown we find ourselves in.
I choose be kind, to be thoughtful, to educate.
I choose to be a change maker, an advocate and a voice to influence others where I can.

Now imagine if you will, that when this is all over and we emerge out of our enforced protocols and isolation, we do so with a new, broader understanding of why inclusion is so important.
A new reality, where those who have influence and decision making powers decide to truly work to eliminate unnecessary and imposed restrictions for all.
How wonderful would it be that when we socially reconnect, we consider whether places are able to welcome everyone invited.
I hope everyone can carry the legacy of having experienced imposed limitations on freedoms and truly begin to understand why we all deserve to be part of community..everyone .. everywhere ..

That is my wish for a silver lining in all of this craziness.. see you on the other side of it for a real hug, a handshake and a celebration.

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