Tag: disability rights

On the Platform with PhouthAlee Vongsamai

What I love about Platform Stories is the opportunity to showcase and support ordinary women living with disability who live extra ordinary lives. I feel honoured that so many amazing women have shared their stories with me, and am constantly reminded of the power of womanhood, of how women can […]

On the Platform with Jenny McAllister

Did you know that over 4 million people identify as having disability across Australia? Surprising then, that very few fashion labels, fashion retailers and fashion outlets cater to either inclusive adaptive fashion or provide accessible environments to support the shopping experience of many who live with disabilities. For some of […]

Silver Linings?

In light of what is happening in the world, I thought I would take a moment to check in with the Inspired community and add a personal perspective. I hope this finds every one staying safe, staying well and practicing social distancing but staying connected. Take care of yourselves. With […]