Platform Stories

Leif Cocks – Battle to save the orangutan

Perth man Leif Cocks has dedicated his life to saving the orangutan through his not-for-profit charity The Orangutan Project. The battle has plunged him to the depths of despair as he has borne witness to the atrocities orangutans face. But it has also filled him with awe and delight for a creature with an enormous capacity for love.

Ronni Kahn – Saving food to save lives

It’s estimated that one third of all the world’s food goes to waste. But one woman is determined to change that. Through her charity OzHarvest Ronni Kahn is rescuing good food destined for the rubbish heap and providing it to the disadvantaged. In the process she is not only saving food, but lives.

Alex Cearns – Using photography to save animal lives

Pet portrait photographer Alex Cearns travels the globe photographing rescued animals to raise money for their care and promote their protection. She volunteers 40 percent of her time to philanthropic causes and relishes the chance to present animals in their best light.

Zoë Routh – From hardship to happiness

Business coach Zoë Routh’s life work is about guiding others to live with wisdom and compassion. Here she reveals how her experience with cancer and dashed dreams of parenthood cemented the concepts of balance, authenticity, values and opening your eyes to life’s everyday wonders.